Sunday, August 10, 2008

the waiting place

My due date was yesterday and I am, as I have been with all of my pregnancies, once again overdue. And bored. These last few weeks have seemed interminable and still I wait and wait and wait. Not patiently, however. I have discovered that patience in these sorts of situations is not a virtue I possess.

Well, before this post becomes one long stereotypical pregnant complaint...I can't sleep. I can't bend over. I can't be away from a bathroom for more than three minutes...and all that. Let me leave this wallowing and post some pictures of our summer so far.

This is at Kurt's cousin's wedding, at which Leo told me that he was going to marry me when he got married and Aidan told me he was going to marry someone way prettier than me. The distance between three years old and eight years old seems to grow daily.

Here is my loving family at Lowville. Kurtis looks a bit stressed and tired. Maybe it was the long day spent saving frogs from torture and attempting to convince the children that, no, crayfish cannot chop off your toes.

And here they are at Rock Point, a few weeks later. Obviously Kurtis only owns one shirt.

And a few shots from around home, just to show you that we do spend time at home and I do take pictures.

Leo being a daredevil in the pool and the giant train track that occupied my driveway for a day, in progress.