Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labour Day Camping

We spent some time at Sandbanks Provincial Park last week. It's an annual tradition for my family and all of my cousins and aunts and uncles usually show up for a little bit. My brothers were MIA this year but the boisterous presence of my children more than made up for it. We were walking back from the washrooms one night and my mother asked me if I ever felt like I inhabited my own private little tornado of sound. Well, mom, I do. Every day.

Russell is a full fledged toddler now and by the end of the week he was walking like a pro over both the rough terrain of an uneven campsite and the soft sand of the beach. I can't wait for this next stage. The next couple of years are my favourite years: the walking, the talking, the independence and the new little personality that develops over the next two or three years. It's all so exciting.
My uncle made his annual sandcastle. Unfortunately, I didn't get any good shots of the finished product but here's one of the construction.
Of course, the boys made one too. Although, as usual, it was a little difficult to get the concepts of the nine year old to jibe with the capabilities of the four year old.

Leo was often relegated to water duty.
And the highlight of my week was definitely seeing Kurtis in his element once more. Give that guy a camp chair, a beer, a fire and a baby to hold and you give him bliss.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Possibly the greatest day of Leo's life so far...