Monday, July 21, 2008

Perhaps you've noticed that things are certainly slowing down around here. Something about late pregnancy is not conducive to blog writing, at least not for me. I'm not sure how often I'm going to get onto the computer in the next few weeks so if there is no action from us for most of the summer, hopefully you'll all understand why.

We went to a wedding last weekend. It was lovely and casual and very relaxed and afterwards Leo told me twice that he was going to marry me when he got older. I can't wait to remind him of that when he does get married.

Here's a quick story about Aidan's fish and then I have to drag my massive self off to bed.

Aidan has a beta fish. He was given the fish at a Mad Science class by his teenaged instructor. She told him to feed the fish every other day or so. Well, the task usually falls to me or to Kurtis because those sorts of things are very easy for eight year olds to forget and, while I'm all for having kids deal with the consequences of their irresponsibility, my convictions go way right out the window when I'm faced with the starving eyes of a little, flicking, purple fish. At any rate, I went camping last Wednesday with the kids and my parents while poor Kurtis had to stay home all by himself and go to work. I hadn't fed the fish in the two days before I left and Kurtis didn't feed him that Wednesday or on the Thursday. That's four days. I guess that's a long time for our fish. On Friday morning Kurtis came downstairs and heard this sound.


"Aargh!" he thinks to himself. "The ceiling fan is making noises. I swear I installed that thing exactly like they told me to."

He turns off the fan and continues to hear a faint noise.


He cannot figure out where it's coming from. It isn't loud. Just a light tapping, like someone's baby finger on a glass window. Suddenly he looks around and realizes that the fish is knocking on his glass bowl with his head. Obviously he was starving and crying out for help in the only way he knew how.

Kurtis fed the fish and the knocking stopped.

The fish is named Albert Einstein. Oh, how he deserves his name.

As an aside, that's the name that Leo has picked out for his new baby brother. Ask him what the baby's name is and invariably that is what he will tell you. I suppose it's an improvement. When I was pregnant with Leo, Aidan was dead set on the name Darth Vader Max.

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