Monday, November 30, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

So, I know it's a little early for this post but, considering the way I've been about keeping up with this blog, it's more than likely that by the time I write my next post this title will be entirely appropriate.

I've made a lot of new years resolutions in my life. I've promised to eat less candy, eat less in general, go to the gym more, play on the floor more, tidy up more often, yell at my kids less often, be grateful, do more crafts, practice my guitar, and write in my blog every day. That was my resolution last year. I was going to write in this blog every day. Perhaps you can see where this is going? I suck at resolutions. Consistency and commitment have never been my strong points.

Yesterday, Leo asked me why he has to go to school. We have some friends down the street that are homeschoolers and Leo is very jealous of the cozy nature of their days. I told him that he had promised Miss Cifani that he would come to her class when he signed up and that when you say that you are going to do something you have to stick to it. If only I could learn that lesson myself.

Leo is still not sure about school. I think he's only attended about half of the days that he was supposed to. He's been sick (he was oinking with the H1N1 for awhile) or he's been tired or he's been angry and he tells me that Miss Cifani doesn't like him to "bring his angry to school". Obviously the only logical option on angry days is for Leo to stay home because, as he says, how could he leave his anger at home? It's inside him!

He is, however, doing a lot better than Aidan did in kindergarten. Aidan cried every morning until just before Christmas break and then he started up again, crying every day after Christmas break right through to February. I remember riding my bike to class in tears, after leaving him sobbing on his classroom carpet. I think his attendance was about 25% in jk and only marginally better in kindergarten. Actually, come to think of it, it's only marginally better than that now. It amazes me that he does as well as he does. I think he misses more days than he goes.

I wish I had the kind of self sacrificing nature that would allow me to home school my children. But I like my little life too much: my habits and hobbies and the things that make me me. I like having time to read my books, time to take pictures, time to sing and act and bake cookies and spend time in my own head, preferably at coffee shops with large caramel covered coffee drinks...although obviously not time to write in my blog...or tidy up...or play the guitar. Can you see how dusty that case is?

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