Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today, Leo told me that he loved me so much that "when we die, at the end of days, I will let you lie down beside me so that we will never be alone."

Um...End of Days?? Surely, they're not teaching him that at the Catholic School are they? I mean they couldn't.

Could they?

i think I'm going to chalk it up to Aidan's obsession with the Mayan calendar and disaster movies. Maybe Leo has picked it up from one of Aidan's many dinner time conversations. That's the thing about having an enthusiastic ten year old at the dinner table, they do tend to monopolize the conversation. When we aren't being enthralled by recitations of the millions of evolutions of all of the pokemon in each region, we are being inundated with stories of destruction and solar flares. Maybe Leo has been paying closer attention than it seemed.

Even still, I'm going to give the posters in his classroom a closer look tomorrow when we have our parent teacher interviews. I'll be on the lookout for any and all quotes from revelations or any particularly suspicious advertisements for kool-aid.

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