Friday, May 14, 2010


I have pictures!

of haircuts...

and before the haircut.

my little hockey lover

homework is always easier with a superhero by your side.

fishing parachutes off of the roof of the shed.

pity the sandman...he was later buried in a dark corner of the garden from which he has not yet emerged.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Russell had his first taste of hot chocolate today - while wearing a raincoat. I though I was being so clever, putting his raincoat on as a preemptive measure. What I failed to realize is that when you drink liquids normally, the mess slips onto your clothing to be washed out in the next load of laundry. When you drink liquids with a raincoat on, the mess slides all the way down your front, onto your pants, your suede shoes, the chair, the table leg and the floor. I suppose next time I could use a bib but the bibs only ever seem to show up when I don't need them. I find them at the bottom of the camera bag or in his pajama drawer, underneath the misplaced, eternally single socks.

I tried a marshmallow dipped in peanut butter for the first time today. It wasn't good. Really, really not good. I thought it would be. Boy, I'm not often that horribly wrong.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Well, we're safely home from Florida. We're all a little sad, a little tired and a little bit lost, like our daily routines have lost some of their meaning and we're just kind of wandering through them, aimlessly, trying to remember what it was that made them so important. Florida was exhilarating and happy and relaxing, all at once. It was just what I'd hoped it would be and nothing that I dreaded...Leo did not kick the back of a stranger's airplane seat all the way to Florida. He kicked the back of my mother's airplane seat, so that was fine. None of my children had melt downs anywhere other than in the privacy of our rented vacation home. I didn't bother to hope that none of my children would have meltdowns but the fact that they did not do it in public, in front of Mickey or a random Starbucks employee, for example, makes me feel blissfully fortunate in my offspring.

It was really, really hot in Florida. Humid and sticky and hot, just the way I like it. My family spent most of the days that we were not at a theme park inside the air conditioned buildings but I soaked up as much heat as I could. I like being a little bit sweaty, smelling like sunscreen and the way that the air sits, heavy, in your lungs. I like it when the ice in my drink starts melting immediately and the outside of the glass is wet in your hand. Hmmm...this is starting to sound pornographic. I don't mean it too. I just really like hot, humid weather.

I also like the way that you can get unsweetened iced tea in the States. I love 'unsweet tea' and I can't find it up here. I ordered a lot of unsweet tea. I tried the lemonade, hoping it would be real lemonade but it was obviously from a country time mix so I stuck with the tea. I love real lemonade, like the kind that southern grandmas make. I don't know any southern grandmas but I imagine that they would make delicious lemonade from scratch with lots of sugar and a touch of mint. Actually, Max and Ruby's grandma makes lemonade like that.

I'm good with Max and Ruby trivia; we watch a lot of that show in our house. Max and Ruby's grandma is amazing. I think one of the best parts of that show is that she is the only adult that is even remotely responsible for Max and Ruby and, even then, it's only in a very indulgent grandmother sort of way. I asked Kurtis once where he thought Max and Ruby's parents were and he said that obviously they were constantly off doing that thing that rabbits do so well. I don't think that's true, however, or Max and Ruby would have a great deal more siblings, millions of other little Maxines and Ruebens running around. Unless, of course, Max and Ruby's dad was fixed. Which would make him a whole lot braver than chicken boy Kurtis over here. Kurtis is apparently about as stalwart as a possum (are they the ones that roll over and play dead when danger approaches?) because even the mention of the word vasectomy sends him running from the room with his hands over his ears.

This blog post has run off the rails. I don't know what I meant to write about, but it wasn't this. I could attempt a segue involving mouse ears or perhaps the possum at splash mountain but feel that I should probably just abandon ship before any more of you get lost in my random thoughts.

You may have noticed that my blogs no longer seem to include pictures. Kurtis replaced our operating system with Linux or Kubuntu or some strangely named new one and he has not instructed me as to how to install the photo thingy on the computer. I await his pleasure...hopefully it won't be too much longer.