Saturday, March 27, 2010

Have you ever felt at home in the strangest places? I took the boys to Toronto Comic Con yesterday and, I admit, I was a bit worried that we would feel a little out of place. We don't hang out in comic shops very often and we don't watch a lot of shows on the Space Network (Doctor Who being the main exception) and Leo gets uncomfortable around stormtroopers. I honestly didn't know how the boys would react to all of the hoopla, the people in costumes and the grownups with way cooler collections of toys than all three of them put together. In truth, I wasn't sure how I would react either. But it was amazing.

Yesterday turned out to be one of the best days that I've spent with all three of my kids and considering that I had to manage them plus a stroller, diaper bag, snacks and drinks, on city buses, go trains and streetcars, as well as herding them through a large and crowded convention centre, I'm amazed that it was as pleasurable as it was. But, truly, we had so much fun. We got to test drive video games that haven't been released yet, we spent way too much money on Batman monster trucks and Star Wars bobbleheads that we don't need, Aidan got to watch teenagers in a real live Yu gi oh battle and quiz them for tips and tactics and Leo even touched the helmet of a member of the Imperial Guard. How could I ever have imagined that we would be uncomfortable? Afterall, I dress up in corsets and perform in the dirt in Faery Festivals. These are my people and if I'd had a Princess Leia costume I would have worn it, although possibly not on the go train.

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