Monday, March 29, 2010

words of wisdom

Yesterday I had to take the bus to work. I've been recording some voices for some episodes of a friends on line radio serial program (Check it out, it's at ) and, although it's a volunteer project, I force everyone in the family to take it seriously by calling it my work.

I walked out the door, after saying my good-byes and giving hugs and kisses to Leo (And surreptitiously kissing Russell a few times. You have to be very sneaky when you're saying good-bye to Russell. He can't handle separation very well right now.)and had just started off down the sidewalk when Leo came running out after me.

"Have a good day!" he called.

"Don't talk to strangers! Don't hit any cars! And don't call anyone an idiot!"

Thanks, Leo. I'll try to remember that.

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