Friday, June 20, 2008

Countdown begins

Well, school is almost over. Aidan is counting down by hours the end of the day there will be 27.5 hours of school left (if you don't count lunch hours). He's thrilled and can't wait to spend his days in the pool and in front of the Wii (not going to happen, buddy!) He's hoping to only ever wear his pajamas or his swimsuit and keeps trying to sell me on the benefits of this, not as much laundry you know. As you can see...he's already getting a jump start on all of this and spends weekends in his pajamas whenever he can.

Leo is counting down the days as well, but he's anticipating his birthday. He has very specific ideas for the party and several times a day he gives me instructions about the exact kinds of balloons, cake, guests and wrapping paper that should be there. It's a long litany of details and they're pretty much written in stone. Diego will be there, as well as his Gramma and cousin Manny, cousin Olivia and possibly cousin Austin (whom I have never heard of before this week). Everyone will go swimming, except for Diego who will drive around the pool in his rescue boat, of course.

We've finally finished getting our back porch in order, just in time for the party. Kurtis tells me that the back porch is his favourite room in the summer and I'd hoped to get it done for Father's day but the weekend after
had to do. Leo chose all of the flowers. His main criteria seemed to be that they be pink and expensive and the biggest in the world. He loves it back there and spends hours sorting through seashells with me, dropping them down between the cracks in the boards much to my chagrin.

Speaking of Father's Day, the day was pretty low-key here. Poor Kurtis, he even had to make his own breakfast. Leo did paint him some pictures and wished him Happy Father's Day about fifteen times in one day, which was first.

I'll leave you with a shot of Leo's artistry hanging on the line. Isn't he a little Picasso?

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