Tuesday, June 24, 2008

one day and so much to say

How can so many small things have happened in our lives since I last posted? I can see how these things quickly derail when you start skipping days.

First off, one of the things that keep Kurtis and I up at night finally happened. Leo fell in the pool. It happened on Sunday. Kurtis was skimming the pool before taking the boys in for an evening dip. He had Aidan on one side of him and Leo on the other. Aidan was saying something to him and neither of them were looking at Leo when suddenly they heard a splash. Kurtis says that although it took him less than a second to look at the pool, when he did Leo was floating face-down in the dead mans float. Kurt was in the water in nanoseconds and had poor, crying Leo out in no time. Then promptly had a near heart-attack himself.

Here's how Leo puts it...

"I fell into the pool and then I saw Daddy's hand reaching and I thought it was a giant and he grabbed me and he saved me."

All I can say is thank you, Kurt.

Unfortunately the tiny bit of healthy fear that the experience instilled in Leo didn't last long.
My paranoia is now insisting on at least two adults in pool area when both boys want to swim. I'm certain that, come summer, this will annoy Aidan to no end. Especially when he wants to swim and the only person here to supervise the two of them is a heavily pregnant me. He's already annoyed that he's not allowed past the pool gate without an adult. Two adults seems utterly ridiculous to him.

In other news, Aidan got his report card today and he has officially completed grade three with straight A's each term. He expects something big as a reward for his accomplishment. I told him he could have an ice cream cone. Needless to say, he wasn't impressed. I am really proud of him, though. He's a great kid. All of his teachers love him. He's thoughtful and generous with his friends and, most of the time, he's a wonderful big brother, constantly reading to Leo and doing puzzles with him.

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